How To Take This Course

Beginning the Course

To begin this course, navigate to the Course Modules section. All of the available learning modules will be listed there.

Selecting a module will open the module in a new window. You will now be able to navigate through the selected course content.

Navigating The Learning Module

The learning modules have a unique but intuitive set of controls for navigating the course content.

Starting the Unit

Once the module has opened a unit introduction page is displayed. Beginning the unit requires you to click on the Start Button:

Navigating the Content

Clicking the start button begins the module. You will now be presented with the first page of the module:

  1. Fullscreen: This button will change the module from a small format to a full screen format. It can be toggled back and forth as needed.

  2. Volume Mute: Some modules will included audio and video content. This button mutes all sound coming from the module. It can be toggled on and off as needed.

  3. Sections: Many units will include multiple sections of content. You can navigate to different sections through this menu.

  4. Pages: Each section contains many pages of course content. This menu will let you know where you are in the module. You can click a page number to jump to that page, or use the arrow keys to move backwards and forwards through the module.

  5. Back / Next: These are additional controls for navigating the unit. You can progress to the next page, or return to the previous page using these controls. The arrow keys will also allow you to navigate backwards and forwards.


Throughout the modules you will come across interactive content and activities. Each activity is unique, and instructions will be provided as you view the interactive content.